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Helping Youth Get Out of Their Heads
& Into the World!

Catch The World

We are a certified 501(C)(3) nonprofit dedicated to opening the world of inner city youth through local cultural immersions, career development and skills building, and our yearly birthright journey to Ghana, West Africa. Our mission is to invest in the future of our youth through training and development, access to culture, economic empowerment, and the transformative power of international travel.

Our Mission & Purpose

At CAYTA, our mission is to empower marginalized youth by providing them with access to essential information, resources, and opportunities to succeed. We equip inner city youth with the tools to advocate for themselves through diverse educational resources, ensuring they can achieve their full potential and WIN! Through cultural immersion experiences and career tours, supported by your generous donations, we help youth develop the skills they need to succeed in life and secure livable wages. We are committed to teaching our participants that their future is worth every step of this journey.

How We Serve

Youth Development
& Outreach

Our diverse programming is designed to address the holistic needs of youth, empowering them with essential life skills, mentorship, and opportunities for personal growth. Through a wide range of evidence-based programming, including educational resources, empowerment workshops, and community engagement activities, we serve.

Passport Assistance
& International Travel

We guide and assist youth in obtaining passports, removing potential barriers and ensuring accessibility to international travel opportunities. We also deliver comprehensive preparation programs that equip youth with cultural awareness, practical skills, and a deeper understanding of the destinations they will visit in Ghana, West Africa.

Career Pathways
& Skills Building

CAYTA also empowers youth to discover their passions, interests, and talents while providing them with the necessary tools to navigate the professional world. Through career exploration workshops, mentorship programs, and partnerships with local businesses and organizations, we offer youth invaluable exposure into various industries.

Join Us For Our Annual Ghan-Again Fest!

On Saturday, September 14 from 10 AM to 7 PM, we are hosting our Annual Ghan-Again Austin Music Fest at Austin Town Hall Park.

We are still accepting sponsorships. Support a worthy cause, while promoting your brand as a sponsor or even a vendor.

This is event is free to the public with good food, live music and dancing, games, and so much more!

“It takes a village to raise a child. At CAYTA, we are not just another youth development program. We are a violence prevention and economic development powerhouse, empowering our next generation for better living.”

— Crystal Dyer, President & Founder

Residents Coming Together to Make a Real Difference

We expose Chicago youth to different cultures & global perspectives. By engaging with diverse communities, exploring new environments & gaining exposure to different ways of life, we aim to broaden their worldview. Through our comprehensive, and fun programming, we strive to equip local youth with the knowledge, resources, and networks necessary to thrive, not just survive.

Meet Our Founder

Crystal Dyer
President, Community Advocate

In 2011, Crystal Dyer lost her grandson to Chicago gun violence just a few days from his 18th birthday. Since then, Crystal has worked tirelessly to steer young people away from a life of crime and into a bright future. In 2016, she founded Chicago Austin Youth Travel Adventures (CAYTA) to introduce young people to travel, culture and history. Her goal was to take kids outside of the neighborhood to see something new.

CAYTA’s programming has grown and even garnered citywide attention with features on and in WGN News, Chicago Sun-times, ABC7, and more. In 2023, CAYTA was awarded nearly $200,000 to support youth development in Chicago. She’s also the Chair of Chicago Austin Chamber of Commerce, amongst other accolades. Having served thousands of youth, the best is yet to come!

 Community Partners

Support Chicago Youth

Help make a positive impact in the lives of our youth. Your donation has the power to transform the trajectory of Austin area youth. Together, we can create brighter futures.


Purchase A Tee
Support A Youth

Explore our range of products designed to celebrate and promote African cultural heritage. Every purchase supports our programs that empower youth through education, training, and cultural awareness.